Effectively Hiding Windows Updates with PowerShell

Key Notes

  • PowerShell allows selective hiding of Windows updates.
  • Updates can be hidden using titles or KB numbers.
  • Regular monitoring of updates via PowerShell is advised.

Mastering Update Management: How to Effectively Hide Updates Using PowerShell in Windows

Managing updates on Windows has evolved, making it challenging to hide unwanted updates. This article provides a comprehensive guide on using PowerShell to handle updates efficiently in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

How to Access PowerShell in Windows

Step 1: Launch PowerShell via Windows Terminal

Press Win + X and select “Windows Terminal (Admin)” to access PowerShell directly. This opens the terminal with PowerShell as the default shell.

Step 2: Check PowerShell Installation

Ensure your version of Windows has PowerShell. If necessary, update through Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.

Step 3: Admin Access via PowerShell

To run commands with admin privileges, right-click the Start menu and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Remove Restrictions on Access

Step 4: Adjust Execution Policy

Input the following command to permit script execution: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted. Press Enter and confirm with A to allow unrestricted access for your session.

Installing the Windows Update Tool

Step 5: Install PSWindowsUpdate Module

Enter Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate in PowerShell. Confirm installation of necessary components when prompted.

Concealing Updates by Title

Step 6: Retrieve Update List

To find the update’s title, use the command: Get-WindowsUpdate. Identify the update you wish to hide.

Step 7: Hide Selected Updates

Enter the command Hide-WindowsUpdate -Title "UpdateName*", replacing UpdateName* with the recognized title. Confirm with A to proceed with hiding.

Hiding Updates by KB Number

Step 8: Use KB Number for Updates

To hide an update via its KB number, employ the command Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID "KBNumber". Confirm the action as usual.

Restoring Hidden Updates

Step 9: View Hidden Updates

Use Get-HiddenWindowsUpdate to list all hidden updates. To unhide, run Unhide-WindowsUpdate -Title "UpdateTitle" or by KB number.

Capabilities and Limitations of PowerShell for Updates

While PowerShell provides control over visible updates, note that you cannot prevent all updates. Regularly check for new releases to maintain system integrity.

Common Questions

  • What alternatives are there to manage unwanted Windows updates?
  • Is hiding updates a secure practice?
  • What if I lack admin privileges?


In this guide, we’ve outlined using PowerShell to hide unwanted Windows updates, detailing steps from accessing PowerShell to executing specific commands for updates handling. Regular usage can aid in effective system management.


Mastering PowerShell commands allows you to take control of Windows updates effectively. By selectively hiding updates, you can maintain a smooth experience on your Windows device. Remember to check back frequently for new updates and tweaks as needed.