Microsoft bringing option to pause automatic firmware updates on Teams Android

A new update on the Microsoft 365 roadmap has confirmed that Microsoft will soon allow IT administrators to track and pause automatic firmware updates on Teams for Android, more specifically on Teams Rooms on Android and Android-based Teams Phones, Panels, and displays. This was added to the roadmap earlier today and will allow admins to have more control of firmware updates.

Device firmware, among other things, can be remotely updated via the Teams Admin Center, and the new feature will also work in a similar manner. The ID for the new change is 119389 and it says:

Microsoft Teams: Track and pause automatic firmware updates for Android-based Teams devices in the Teams Admin Center

With this feature, IT admins can track which firmware is being rolled out through automatic updates via the Teams Admin Center and when. Additionally, automatic updates can be paused temporarily, allowing time to validate scenarios. This feature is applicable for Teams Rooms on Android and Android-based Teams Phones, Panels, and displays.

Although the Teams Admin Center only pushes updates which are labeled “Verified by Microsoft”, be it automatic or manual, this new option will give administrators additional flexibility as automatic updates can now be paused temporarily. The feature is set to be generally available next month.

Microsoft says that automatic updates will be sped up in the upcoming days so perhaps this feature may come in handy to system admins then.

Author: Egor Kostenko

My goal is to make complex technical topics simple and accessible. On this site, I gather unique and useful content that not only solves users’ problems but also helps them better understand the capabilities of Windows.

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