Fixing Netflix Error Code E100: Step-by-Step Solutions

Encountering Netflix error code E100 prevents you from accessing certain titles. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to resolve this issue effectively.

What does error code E100 mean?

This specific error indicates the Widevine component is not present in your browser or there may be temporary issues with your streaming device or the Netflix service itself.

How can I fix the Netflix E100 error?

Before attempting other solutions, ensure your Netflix application and streaming device are updated to the latest version.

1. Restart your streaming device

  1. Switch off your streaming device, using the remote control.
  2. If applicable, unplug the device from the power outlet.
  3. Wait approximately 15 seconds.
  4. Power the device back on.

Make sure you’re fully shutting down the device and not merely putting it to sleep or in standby mode. Refer to your device’s manual for proper shutdown instructions.

2. Verify your browser’s Widevine support

  1. Launch the Chrome browser.
  2. In the address bar, type: chrome://components/chrome components 2
  3. Scroll down to find the section for Widevine and check its availability.widevine module

Widevine is supported by most contemporary browsers and is crucial for Netflix to properly deliver its content.

Modern browsers such as Chromium-based browsers, Firefox, Edge, and Vivaldi fully support Widevine. Although Brave supports this feature, it may be disabled by default.

If you continue to see the Netflix error code E100 after these steps, consider reaching out to Netflix customer support or trying a different device that doesn’t present this issue.

This isn’t the sole issue you may encounter; we’ve also covered Netflix error codes tvq-rnd-100 and tvq-pm-100 in our earlier articles, so be sure to check those out.


Author: Egor Kostenko

My goal is to make complex technical topics simple and accessible. On this site, I gather unique and useful content that not only solves users’ problems but also helps them better understand the capabilities of Windows.

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