Fixing Error Lock Failed 167 (0xA7): A Complete Guide

The Error_Lock_Failed often appears alongside the error message: 167 (0xA7) – Unable to lock a specific region of a file. While this error can be somewhat elusive, if you do find yourself facing it, this comprehensive guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

How to Resolve Error_Lock_Failed?

1. Modify the rma.ini File

  1. Begin by opening the rma.ini file.
  2. Then insert the following line into the [Misc] section: "PerfWorkMode=3"PerfWorkMode=3
  3. Make sure to save your changes.

This adjustment will compel the Remote Monitoring Agent to operate in External mode, which should help to resolve the error.

Alternatively, some users recommend trying the OneByOne mode. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Access the hostmon.ini file.
  2. Add the following line in the [Misc] section: "PerfWorkMode=1"
  3. Don’t forget to save the changes.

2. Additional Solutions to Consider

  1. Adjust your policy settings to permit users to log in with a temporary profile.
  2. Instruct users to properly log out of their sessions before initiating a new connection.

The most effective approach will vary based on your organization’s structure and the guidelines of your system administrator. Be aware that these solutions are most effective for issues related to profile log errors.

Error_Lock_Failed is a relatively uncommon error that typically impacts developers and system administrators, meaning it’s rare for regular end-users to encounter it.

Nevertheless, if you do face this error, you should be able to apply our troubleshooting methods to effectively resolve it. Additionally, there are other similar errors, such as ERROR_NOT_LOCKED and ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED, which we have also covered recently.

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Author: Egor Kostenko

My goal is to make complex technical topics simple and accessible. On this site, I gather unique and useful content that not only solves users’ problems but also helps them better understand the capabilities of Windows.

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