Fix Signal Desktop Database Error: 5 Effective Solutions

Fix Signal Desktop Database Error: 5 Effective Solutions

The database error encountered in Signal desktop primarily impacts Linux users, hindering app launch and message viewing. Fortunately, there are several methods available to rectify this issue.

How can I resolve the Database error on Signal desktop?

1. Make Sure KDE Wallet is Active

  1. Open the Settings menu and select System Settings.
  2. Find the option for KDE Wallet.
  3. Select Wallet Preferences and confirm that Enable the KDE wallet subsystem is activated.
    where wallet subsystem

2. Utilize gnome-libsecret Parameter

  1. Launch the Terminal.
  2. Execute the command flatpak run org.signal.Signal --password-store="gnome-libsecret"
    flatpack run orgsignal
  3. Verify whether this resolves the issue.

Some users found success with the command flatpak override org.signal.Signal --user --env=SIGNAL_PASSWORD_STORE=gnome-libsecret.

Be aware that depending on your configuration, you may need to use kwallet, kwallet5, or kwallet6.

Another command option to consider is: flatpak install flathub org.signal.Signal.

3. Modify Signal’s config.json File

  1. Locate and open /home/USER_NAME/.config/Signal/config.json.
  2. Search for "safeStorageBackend": "kwallet5".
  3. Change it to "safeStorageBackend": "kwallet6".
  4. Save the file to apply the changes.

This fix has been effective for users on Gentoo, so it’s worth trying.

4. Replace EncryptedKey with the Old Key in config.json

  1. Access ~/.var/app/org.signal.Signal/config/Signal/config.json.
  2. Look for a copy of the old key.
  3. Substitute the encryptedKey with the old key.

This is a short-term solution; the issue may arise again after the app is closed. Ensure you have a backup of config.json for this workaround to function properly.

5. Additional Solutions to Consider

  1. Delete the Signal directory located at ~/.config/Signal.
  2. Uninstall Signal:
    1. Run flatpak override org.signal.Signal --user --unset-env=SIGNAL_PASSWORD_STORE.
    2. Terminate the Signal application.
    3. Execute rm -r "$HOME/.var/app/org.signal.Signal".
    4. Restart Signal.
  3. Reinstall Signal through flatpak:
    1. Ensure that Signal is installed using snap by executing: which signal-desktop.
    2. Run the commands sudo snap remove --purge signal-desktop followed by sudo dnf install flatpak and flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists.
    3. Then, run flatpak install flathub
    4. Finally, install Signal by executing flatpak install flathub org.signal.Signal.

Be aware that these solutions will result in Signal being reinstalled, which may lead to data loss. Use these as a last resort.

The database error on Signal Desktop arises from issues within the keystore, particularly on Linux systems, but hopefully, the aforementioned solutions will assist in resolving it.

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