How to Enable or Disable Discovery of Network Designated Resolvers (DNR) in Windows 11

Key Notes

  • DNR simplifies access to encrypted DNS servers.
  • Registry edits are required to enable or disable DNR.
  • Backup the registry before making changes.

DNR: Simplifying Encrypted DNS for Windows 11 Users

Discovery of Network-Designated Resolvers (DNR) is an innovative mechanism designed to streamline the use of encrypted DNS servers. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling or disabling DNR in Windows 11, enhancing your internet security and privacy.

Steps to Enable or Disable DNR in Windows 11

Note: The DNR feature is available starting from Windows 11 build 25982 and requires registry modification to enable or disable.

Step 1: Access the Registry Editor

Open the Registry Editor by pressing Windows + R, typing regedit, and hitting Enter.

Step 2: Navigate to the DNR Parameters

Go to the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters.

Step 3: Modify the EnableDnr Value

Locate REG_DWORD named EnableDnr and set its value to 1 to enable DNR.

Step 4: Create EnableDnr if Missing

If EnableDnr is not present, right-click any empty space in the right pane, select “New, ” then choose DWORD (32-bit) Value, and name it EnableDnr.

Step 5: Restart Your System

After modifying or creating the DWORD, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Pro Tip: Ensure you back up the registry before making any changes.

Command-Line Method: Use Windows Terminal

Alternatively, you can enable or disable DNR via Windows Terminal. Use the following commands:

reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters /v EnableDnr /t REG_DWORD /d 1
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters /v EnableDnr /t REG_DWORD /d 0


Be sure to create a registry backup or set a system restore point before making any modifications. Following this guide will help you effectively manage the Discovery of Network-Designated Resolvers in Windows 11.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is DDR DNS?

DDR DNS enhances safety when devices connect to the internet by using secure DTLS methods, especially critical for Internet of Things devices.

What are resolvers in networking?

Resolvers assist applications in locating machine names by querying name servers for required information or directing them to another server.