How to Create a Printer Shortcut on Windows 10: 2 Simple Methods

Key Notes

  • Quick access to printer settings with shortcuts saves time.
  • Two methods: Control Panel and creating a desktop shortcut.
  • Easy customization of printer shortcut names for convenience.

Creating an Easy Access Shortcut for Your Printer in Windows 10

Creating a printer shortcut on Windows 10 can streamline your printing tasks, making access to printer settings effortlessly quick.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Printer Shortcut

Step 1: Creating a Shortcut via the Control Panel

Follow these steps to set up a printer shortcut using the Control Panel:

  1. Click the search icon next to the Windows logo, type Control Panel, and select Open.
  2. Select Hardware and Sound.
  3. Click on Devices and Printers.
  4. Find the printer for which you want to create a shortcut, right-click on it, and choose Create Shortcut.(For example, I will create a shortcut for my EPSON L360 printer.)
  5. A prompt will inform you Windows can’t create a shortcut here. Click Yes.
  6. Your printer shortcut will now be visible on your desktop.

Pro Tip: Instead of right-clicking, you can also drag and drop the printer icon directly to your desktop to create a shortcut.

Step 2: Creating the Shortcut Through the Desktop

Alternatively, you can create a printer shortcut directly from your desktop:

  1. Right-click anywhere on your desktop, select New, and then tap Shortcut.
  2. Type rundll32.exe printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /o /n “printer_name” in the location field. Make sure to replace printer_name with the actual name of your printer, then hit Next.
  3. Enter a name for this shortcut and click Finish.

Congratulations! You now have a shortcut for your printer on your desktop.

Additional Tips

  • Always verify your printer’s status regularly.
  • Familiarize yourself with your printer’s troubleshooting features.
  • Consider labeling your shortcuts clearly for easy identification.


In this guide, we covered how to create easy access printer shortcuts on Windows 10 using two different methods: the Control Panel and through the desktop. Following these steps ensures that your printer settings are just a click away, making print management more convenient.


By establishing printer shortcuts, you can significantly enhance your workflow on Windows 10. Whether it’s for monitoring print jobs or adjusting settings, these simple steps provide quick access, helping you utilize your time more effectively.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I find my printer’s exact name for the shortcut?

You can find your printer’s name under ‘Devices and Printers’ in the Control Panel. It will be listed alongside other connected devices.

Can I change the name of the printer shortcut after creating it?

Yes, you can rename the shortcut just like any standard file by right-clicking on it and selecting ‘Rename’.