Windows 11: How to Fix Computer Freezes While Gaming

Key Notes

  • Ensure proper ventilation to prevent overheating.
  • Adjust screen resolution to match game requirements.
  • Reinstall game services if facing compatibility issues.

Troubleshooting Computer Freezes During Gaming on Windows 11

Experiencing computer freezes during gameplay on Windows 11 can be frustrating. This guide will help you identify potential causes and provide actionable steps to fix these freezing issues for a smooth gaming experience.

Resolving Computer Freezes While Gaming on Windows 11

Before diving into the solutions, ensure your system’s hardware specifications meet the requirements for the games you intend to play.

Step 1: Ensure Adequate Ventilation

Heat buildup during gaming can lead to system crashes. To maintain optimal temperatures, ensure that your PC has adequate airflow. Keep your gaming area dust-free and clear any blockages from the vents, particularly in laptops where ventilation can be hindered.

Pro Tip: Regularly check and clean GPU fans and vents to enhance airflow.

Step 2: Adjust Screen Resolution

Mismatch in screen resolution can lead to crashes. Confirm that your screen resolution aligns with your game’s requirements:

  • Visit the game developer’s official website for resolution specs.
  • Right-click on your desktop and select Display Settings.
  • Locate and adjust the Display Resolution as per the game’s specifications.

Restart your PC after adjustments to ensure they take effect.

Step 3: Reinstall Game Services

Corrupt gaming services can lead to freezes. Reinstall game services using Windows Powershell:

  • Open the Start Menu, search for and right-click on Windows Powershell, then select Run as administrator.
  • Copy and paste the following command to remove the existing game services:
  • get-appxpackage Microsoft. GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers

  • Then run this command to reinstall:
  • start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN

  • Restart your PC afterwards.

Step 4: Enable Resizeable BAR Support

To maximize your GPU’s potential, it’s crucial to enable Resizeable BAR support and Above 4G Encoding in the BIOS. Updating your BIOS and enabling these features will allow better communication between your CPU and GPU, enhancing performance:

Pro Tip: Consult your motherboard’s manual for guidance on accessing BIOS settings.

Step 5: Downgrade GPU Drivers

If your GPU drivers were recently updated and the freezes began, reinstall an earlier version:

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Device Manager.
  • Expand the Display Adapters, find your GPU, right-click it, and select Uninstall device.
  • Visit the OEM website to download the previous version of the GPU drivers.
  • Run the installer and restart your PC.

Step 6: Uninstall Latest Windows Update

If system freezes began after a recent update, consider uninstalling it:

  • Open settings with Windows + I.
  • Go to Windows Update and select Update History.
  • Find Uninstall Updates and select the most recent update you suspect may be causing issues.
  • Restart your PC.


In this guide, we explored multiple strategies to troubleshoot and fix computer freezes while gaming on Windows 11. From ensuring adequate ventilation to reinstalling game services and adjusting system settings, these actionable steps aim to enhance your gaming experience.


By diligently applying the suggested solutions, you can regain control over your gaming sessions and eliminate frustrating freezes. Clear ventilation, proper driver management, and configuration tweaking are all vital components in maintaining a smooth gaming experience on Windows 11.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the common reasons for PC freezes during gameplay?

Common reasons include overheating, incompatible drivers, and system resource conflicts.

How can I tell if my GPU drivers are causing issues?

If crashes began after an update, faulty drivers may be the issue. Downgrading them often resolves such conflicts.