Fixing AMDRSServ.exe System Error: OpenCL.dll Missing Issue

Key Notes

  • Repair system image files to fix corruptions.
  • Copy the OpenCL.dll file from an operational system.
  • Ensure you have the latest AMD graphics driver installed.

Fixing the AMDRSServ.exe System Error: OpenCL.dll Not Found

If you’ve encountered the AMDRSServ.exe System error: OpenCL.dll was not found message, you’re not alone. This common error can happen during system startup or when launching certain games. This guide will walk you through effective solutions to resolve this frustrating issue.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively address the AMDRSServ.exe and OpenCL.dll error. From repairing system images to ensuring your drivers are up-to-date, each fix has been designed to enhance your system’s performance and stability.


Dealing with system errors can be a daunting challenge, but with careful troubleshooting and the right strategies, you can ensure a smooth experience with your AMD graphics card. Don’t hesitate to follow the methods above, and should you face further complications, consider seeking professional help.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I delete AMDRSServ?

It’s not advisable to delete AMDRSServ.exe as it could disrupt AMD graphics functionalities. Typically, you can find this file at C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext.

Do I have OpenCL installed?

To verify if OpenCL is installed, check your C:\Windows\System32 folder for the OpenCL.dll file. If it exists, OpenCL is installed on your system.