4 Effective Solutions for ‘Unable to Update Local Ref’ Error on Git Pull

Key Notes

  • Restart your computer to resolve minor issues.
  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions on project files.
  • Run `git gc` and `git remote prune origin` for cleanup.

Understanding the ‘Unable to Update Local Ref’ Error

The ‘unable to update local ref’ error in Git is a common issue that occurs during Git Pull or Git Push commands. It typically surfaces due to mismatched commit IDs or permission issues related to repository ownership. This guide provides effective solutions to troubleshoot and resolve this error quickly.

Effective Solutions for Resolving the Error

Before delving into more complex solutions, conduct these preliminary checks:

  • Restart your computer to address minor corruption issues.
  • Verify that you have ownership or appropriate permissions for the project files.
  • Ensure your version of Git is up-to-date.
  • Review your branches for case mismatches and duplicate names.

Step 1: Optimize the Local Directory

To improve performance and resolve potential errors, run the following commands:

$ git gc --prune=now
$ git remote prune origin

Pro Tip: These commands clean up unnecessary files and outdated branches in your repository.

Step 2: Update the Reference

If you suspect a referencing issue, execute the following command:

$ git update-ref -d refs/remotes/origin/[branch name]

Replace [branch name] with the branch generating the commit ID mismatch. After executing this, you should be able to proceed with the Git Pull or Git Push command.

Step 3: Check for a Bad Reference

If the problematic reference is for the master branch, use the following command to restore the reference files:


Step 4: Delete Corrupt or Broken References

In case of a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) that compromised your stored references, specifically those being accessed at the time, delete the following reference:


This can be found at: %repo_root%/.git/refs/remotes/origin/some/branch


Resolving the ‘unable to update local ref’ error involves a few straightforward steps. Key strategies include optimizing the local directory, updating Git references, and checking for any corrupt or malformed references. Often, running the commands to clean up your repository can resolve the issue effectively.


By following the solutions outlined above, you can efficiently tackle the ‘unable to update local ref’ error in Git. Always ensure you maintain proper access permissions and keep your repository clean to prevent similar issues in the future.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What causes the ‘unable to update local ref’ error?

This error can be caused by mismatched commit IDs, permission issues, or corrupt references in the Git repository.

How can I prevent this error from happening again?

Regularly cleaning up your repository and ensuring you have adequate permissions can help prevent this error. Additionally, keeping your Git software updated is crucial.