Microsoft to Remove Windows Recall Feature from Copilot+ PCs
Key Notes
- Users can now uninstall Windows Recall from Copilot+ PCs.
- The uninstallation option is accessible via ‘Windows features’.
- Microsoft has provided clarifications and retractions regarding this feature.
Understanding the Uninstallation Process of Windows Recall on Copilot+ PCs
Recent developments from Microsoft have confirmed that users can remove the Windows Recall feature from their Copilot+ PCs. This article explores the details surrounding this feature’s uninstallation process and the accompanying clarifications from Microsoft.
Step-by-Step Guide to Uninstalling Windows Recall
Step 1: Access Windows Features
Open the ‘Control Panel’ and navigate to ‘Programs and Features.’ From there, select ‘Turn Windows features on or off.’
Pro Tip: You can quickly access this feature by searching for “Windows Features” in the Start menu.
Step 2: Uncheck Windows Recall
Locate ‘Recall’ in the list of Windows Features. Uncheck the box next to it to prepare for the uninstallation.
Step 3: Confirm and Restart
Click ‘OK’ to confirm the changes. A prompt may appear asking you to restart your computer. Agree to restart for the changes to take effect.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Will I lose any data when I uninstall Windows Recall?
No, uninstalling Windows Recall will not result in any data loss as it does not impact your personal files or applications.
Is there any way to reinstall Windows Recall?
Yes, if you decide to reinstall Windows Recall, you can do so by returning to the ‘Turn Windows features on or off’ section and checking the box next to Recall.
Related posts:
- Explore the New Windows Recall Feature for Copilot+ Enabled PCs
- Uninstall the Windows Recall AI Feature on Windows 11: Microsoft Update
- How to Uninstall Windows Recall: A Complete Guide
- Accessing Locally Stored Windows Recall AI Data on Windows 11
- Step-by-Step Guide to Force Install Windows Recall AI on Unsupported Hardware in Windows 11