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5 ChatGPT Tips and Tricks for Enhanced Content Creation

Louis Ferguson

An editor at Blogzine

  • 🕑 4 minutes read
5 ChatGPT Tips and Tricks for Enhanced Content Creation
Using ChatGPT Hacks to Enhance Writing

The integration of artificial intelligence platforms, particularly ChatGPT, into content creation has sparked significant debate across various industries this year. However, many individuals who fail to recognize the benefits of these tools simply haven’t mastered how to effectively utilize them for optimal results. Crafting intricate prompts or posing questions alone isn’t sufficient for the AI chatbot to emulate your unique writing style. Fortunately, with these five ChatGPT hacks, you can experience enhanced outcomes and save valuable time.

1. Create Dedicated “Chats”for Each Specific Task

My profession entails composing a range of materials from website content to Google Business Profile descriptions. Each task demands a distinct writing approach, meaning I can’t rely on a single AI model to handle them all without targeted training. Therefore, when I begin working with a new client, I initiate separate chats in my ChatGPT account, training each one on the client’s specifics and the particular task at hand.

Setting Up Unique Chats for Different Tasks in ChatGPT

This approach is vital since ChatGPT continually learns from your input and can retain information. To ensure mastery over a specific task, you should create a dedicated version of the AI tailored for that purpose, much like how different tools in a toolbox serve unique functions.

When establishing a new chat, consider the following tips:

  • Clearly articulate the task you want ChatGPT to execute.
  • Provide any relevant information it needs for accurate writing, such as the desired writing style and details related to the task, business, or website.
  • Instruct ChatGPT to “remember”pertinent information as the conversation progresses.

Additionally, various ChatGPT Chrome extensions can assist with tasks like email management or SEO optimization.

2. Request ChatGPT to Analyze and Clarify the Information You Input

One of the most beneficial tricks I’ve discovered with ChatGPT is to ask it to clarify its understanding of the information I provide for tasks. This technique is especially useful when initially programming it for a specific job, as it allows you to catch potential issues before they escalate.

For instance, when I set up a chat to brainstorm blog topics for a business, it was essential for ChatGPT to comprehend the services offered by the company. I instructed ChatGPT to visit the website and summarize the business in its own words. After correcting any misunderstandings, I then asked it to analyze the brand’s tone and style to replicate it. Had I skipped these clarifications before having it generate topics and write articles, I might have ended up with unsuitable topics or had to significantly adjust the tone and style of the writing.

Asking ChatGPT Questions to Enhance Its Understanding

3. Provide Your Own “Samples” for AI Training

ChatGPT evolves through its interactions with you and the feedback it receives. Therefore, one of my top recommendations is to provide samples of your writing, similar to how you would train a new team member.

ChatGPT Hacks to Improve Training

When supplying ChatGPT with writing samples, it’s essential not just to “feed”them to the AI. You should prompt it to analyze and explain the samples to ensure it can accurately replicate them (refer to the previous hack). This process aligns with ethical practices, provided you have the necessary permissions to use the samples.

Need some inspiration for what to ask after providing samples? Consider using prompts like:

  • How would you characterize the tone and style of this sample?
  • Who do you think the intended audience is?
  • How is the writing structured? Does it maintain a logical flow?
  • What makes this writing distinct?

4. Edit the Outputs You Receive and Share Those Edits Back With ChatGPT

A highly effective ChatGPT hack that remains underutilized is providing feedback on its outputs. We consistently do this with the individuals we supervise or train, so it stands to reason that we should extend the same courtesy to artificial intelligence, given its ability to remember what you’ve told it and refine future outputs.

Sharing Edited Work With ChatGPT

I take the initial draft generated by the AI assistant, whether it’s a brief or lengthy piece, and paste it into Google Docs for editing. After making my revisions, I copy and paste the refined version back into ChatGPT with a note like, “I made some edits to your work. Can you review the revised version?” ChatGPT will analyze the changes and provide a brief summary. Following that, I can request it to retain this information for future writing tasks.

5. Interact with ChatGPT as Though It Were a Person, Not Just a Machine

One of the most valuable insights I’ve gained over the past year is that ChatGPT doesn’t function merely as a machine. All artificial intelligence is engineered to emulate human thinking, which means our interactions with these tools should reflect that we’re dealing with an intellectual being.

As you customize the tool to complete tasks on your behalf, it’s beneficial to develop a persona for it that somewhat mimics your own style (or that of the individual or brand you wish to represent). This approach yields more human-like results and enhances your overall experience with ChatGPT. Remember, it’s not just a machine; it’s like an employee working alongside you.

ChatGPT can be an exceptionally powerful resource for nearly anyone, and applying these ChatGPT tricks can greatly enhance your experience. If you find that ChatGPT isn’t meeting your needs, consider exploring alternative AI platforms.

Image credit: DepositPhotos. All screenshots by Megan Glosson.


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